Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hunting During Rut...

Now some states are different, but WI rut usually is around mid- NOV. This is when all stops need to be pulled out. The clothes need to be washed, face paint is on, and all human scent needs to be gone. Hunters must try to save their best tree stand for this time of year if all possible. During the rut, I usually have a pair of rattling antlers with, and a grunt call to help better my chances. The Whitetails at this time of year are looking to mate, and move all day. Sitting in the stand all day will help increase your chances of shooting a big boy. Scout a couple spots on your property to see where the does have been coming to feed, a Lotta times you find bucks here. Always remember to stay safe and stay downwind....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dont shoot in the dark

When that big giant buck comes walking out right before dark and lighting conditions are poor, and that old bruiser decides to make his way down the hill towards you always remember. Hunters who sit past dark will be taking a risk of getting a fine, and possibly wounding a nice mature deer. Hunters must realize it is very unethical to shoot when its dark and not very sportsman's like. You must always keep in mind your lighting conditions, and if you cant see thought your peep sight, then you probably better not take the shot. I've seen this time and time again. When the buck of a lifetime gets wounded and never found, and runs to the neighbors property. All that hard work all year to make a very poor decision and poor shot will have you feeling worse than the deer itself. So remember to stay safe and take ethical shot in the woods.